Friday, 29 December 2017


Image result for andropause pictures
Welcome friends, 

Are you experiencing sexual problems such as premature ejaculation, no ejaculation at all or impotency? Are you 50 years and above? There is no cause for alarm, you might just be experiencing a natural process. Read further for more information.....

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge; A CRY FOR HELP!!!

Muhammed Helmi
Hello Ladies!

It's time we pay more attention to minor things we might see as less important such as vaginal discharge; the colour, the smell and the quantity. Vaginal discharge is important because it helps to keep the vaginal clean and prevent infection, but it might interest you to know that not all vaginal discharge is normal. The colour of a normal discharge ranges from a clear to a milky white colour depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. The discharge increases during ovulation, breastfeeding or when sexually aroused. However, if the colour, the smell or it's consistency seems unusual, especially if it is accompanied by vaginal itching or burning, you could be noticing an infection or other conditions.

There are three diseases that usually present itself as vaginal discharge. They include; Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis and Bacterial vaginosis.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

My Child Must Be Smarter Than Other Kids

Hello friends,

Have you ever stopped to ponder why some kids are smarter than others? Aside other factors such as genetic and environmental factors, you as a mother also have a very important role to play to ensure your child's cognitive function. Are you interested? Then read further...

Monday, 25 December 2017

RSH components everyone should know

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Image result for components of reproductive and sexual health

   Hello friends,

I hope you were enlightened by my previous post. I am delighted to share the components of reproductive health to you. It will surprise you to know that virtually all ages are involved when it comes to reproductive and sexual health. Hence, the need to practice healthy lifestyles at all ages.


            The components of RSH are:

  • Family planning/birth spacing services 
  • Antenatal care, skilled attendance at delivery, and postnatal care 
  • Management of obstetric and neonatal complications and emergencies 
  • Prevention of abortion and management of complications resulting from unsafe abortion 
  • Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS 
  • Early diagnosis and treatment for breast and cervical cancer 
  • Promotion, education and support for exclusive breast feeding 
  • Prevention and appropriate treatment of sub-fertility and infertility 
  • Active discouragement of harmful practices such as female genital cutting 
  • Adolescent sexual and reproductive health 
  • Prevention and management of gender-based violence

I   In subsequent posts, I'll be briefing you on each of this components and ways they can be of benefit to us. THANKS

  Image result for components of reproductive and sexual health


Do you know.........
  • that you can have a satisfying and safe sex life
  • that you have the capability to reproduce
  • that you have the freedom to decide if, when and how often you want to