Sunday, 15 July 2018


What's usually this "excessive joy" associated with giving birth to a male child? The boy is usually referred to as "bouncing" What about the girl? A friend of mine posted on his Whatsapp status; his plans for his male child.

It read thus; "Dear future son, your mother (wherever she is) and I, can't wait to welcome you and I also believe she's out there working herself out too in order for you to enjoy those things we never had the privilege enjoying. son, we'll try providing everything that will make you have an enviable growing up by his grace. However, the world you are coming is one filled with numerous challenges and you must learn to take responsibility of your life and never you leave your mess for others to clear up!"

It's a beautiful piece I must confess, great plans embedded but I couldn't stop to ponder- "What if she's a girl? Are the plans going to remain the same? Is it a crime being a girl? What is the boy going to achieve, of which the girl can't? Why the special plans? Ain't we all children? "

It is very unfair when we discriminate against the girl-child, I remember this Mtn advert that was titled; "MAMA, NA BOY" The entire village rejoiced at the arrival of the male-child.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a FEMINIST, just advocating for EQUITY. We are all humans both male and female, we should be entitled to equal treatment.